Welcome to Rolf Bergendorff and his life's work, an electricity telecommunications technology museum
Already at the age of 13, I came in contact with the radio listening by a friend showed me his hobby DX-ing.
DX means that you listen to a radio station from somewhere and write down some times and program items as well as a little about how the reception was. This sends it to the radio station. If they think that what you have written down is consistent with their broadcast sends them a confirmation, a so-called QSL cards.
This meant that I immediately began to hunt for the perfect radio to listen to more stations. It was simply that I bought up the stocks of their neighborhood urtjänta and put away equipment and began to test and adjust and repair afterwards. Instruments of all kinds and execution appeared and I started collecting them. As the years passed, I have more than doubled the number more than once. Since it also emerged tape record players and television sets have these ochså got its place in the collection.
On this page I show images and technical data on various devices that are in the collections. Gradually, as they photographed it will emerge more photos here so check back here every now and then. Most of these will be able to see the real thing when the museum opens its doors.
Welcome to Rolf Bergendorff and his life's work, an electricity telecommunications technology museum